High Effective Weed Control Supplier Dicamba 98%TC 480SL

Dicamba is a systemic herbicide for selective broadleaf weed control, with the active ingredient being absorbed internally and translocated within the weeds. It can rapidly be absorbed and translocated through the roots, stems, leaves, and other parts of broadleaf weeds, disrupting and damaging the natural hormone balance within the weeds, halting their normal growth, and ultimately leading to weed death. This product effectively controls weeds such as pigweed, shepherd’s purse, amaranth, lambsquarters, and knotweed

Product Details of Dicamba

Product nameDicamba
Tech grade98%TC
Formulation48%SL, 60%WDG
Molecular formulaC8H6CL2O3
CAS No.1918-00-9
EINECS No.217-635-6
Shelf life2 Years


1.For controlling broadleaf weeds in wheat fields, apply the recommended dosage from the 3.5-leaf stage to the tillering stage. Use a maximum of 1 application per season.

2.To control broadleaf weeds in corn fields, apply the recommended dosage before or early after crop emergence. Use a maximum of 1 application per season.

3.Refrain from spraying during strong winds to prevent drift and harm to nearby sensitive crops.