Fluroxypyr 200g/L EC Herbicide Weed Killer Weedicide

Fluroxypyr is a post-emergent systemic herbicide that is quickly absorbed by plants after application, causing sensitive plants to exhibit typical hormonal herbicide responses, resulting in deformity, twisting, and ultimately death. It is suitable for controlling broadleaf weeds in areas such as wheat, barley, corn, vineyards, orchards, pastures, forests, and lawns. Target weeds include pigweed, curly-stem smartweed, purslane, black nightshade, field bindweed, smartweed, and amaranth, while it is ineffective against grass weeds.

Product Details of Fluroxypyr

Product nameFluroxypyr
Tech grade96%TC
Formulation200G/L EC
Molecular formulaC7H5Cl2FN2O3
CAS No.69377-81-7
Shelf life2 Years


1.To Control Weeds in Wheat Fields: Apply 50-66.7 milliliters of fluroxypyr 20% emulsifiable concentrate per acre as a water spray during the green-up period after winter wheat emerges or from the tillering stage to the jointing stage, and at the 3-5 leaf stage for spring wheat, targeting broadleaf weeds at the 2-4 leaf stage.

2.To Control Weeds in Corn Fields: Apply 50-66.7 milliliters of fluroxypyr 20% emulsifiable concentrate per acre as a water spray before the 6-leaf stage of corn and at the 2-5 leaf stage of weeds. For difficult-to-control weeds such as field bindweed and purslane, use 66.7-100 milliliters per acre.

3.To Control Weeds in Vineyards, Orchards, Non-cultivated Land, and Rice Field Bunds: Apply 75-150 milliliters of fluroxypyr 20% emulsifiable concentrate per acre as a water spray at the 2-5 leaf stage of weeds. For controlling water lettuce in rice field bunds, use 50 milliliters of fluroxypyr 20% emulsifiable concentrate per acre, or mix 20 milliliters of it  with 200 milliliters of 41% manganese-based soluble concentrate, or mix 30 milliliters of it with 150 milliliters of 41% manganese-based water agent. For difficult-to-control weeds such as barnyard grass, fireweed, bramble, duckweed, and cattail, mix 80-100 milliliters of it with 100-150 milliliters of 41% manganese-based soluble concentrate per acre.