Etoxazole 10 Sc 110g/L SC 97%TC Acaricide Insecticide

Etoxazole works by inhibiting chitin synthesis, which hinders the embryonic development of mite eggs and the molting process from larva to adult. This effectively controls the entire juvenile stage of mites (eggs, larvae, and nymphs). Etoxazole belongs to the class of diphenyl oxazoline derivatives. It primarily acts through contact killing and does not have systemic activity. However, it has strong penetration ability and resistance to rain washout. It also shows excellent acaricidal effects in low-temperature environments, with a residual period of up to 50 days. It effectively controls mites that have developed resistance to existing acaricides.

Etoxazole is mainly used to control red spiders on apples and citrus. It also shows excellent efficacy against various mites on cotton, flowers, and vegetables, including leaf mites, early leaf mites, spider mites, two-spotted spider mites, and red spider mites. The best time for application is during the early stages of mite damage. When spraying, apply to the entire plant, with better efficacy when targeting the undersides of leaves.

Features of Etoxazole


1. Broad Spectrum of Mite Control

Etoxazole effectively controls red spiders, rust mites, yellow spiders, red spider mites, tea yellow mites, and two-spotted spider mites, demonstrating outstanding effectiveness.

2. Good Low-Temperature Resistance

Etoxazole primarily works through contact action as a non-thermal sensitive acaricide. It mainly kills harmful mites by inhibiting the embryonic development of mite eggs and the molting of larvae and nymphs, providing good acaricidal effects even at low temperatures.

3. Wide Application

Etoxazole has good safety and can be used for mite control in crops such as wheat, corn, cotton, peanuts, apples, pears, peaches, grapes, and citrus fruits, as well as in solanaceous crops like cucumbers, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes.

4. Long Residual Effect

Etoxazole can thoroughly kill eggs, larvae, and nymphs of mites, providing more complete control. It has a residual effect of over 30 days on corn, cotton, vegetables, and ornamental plants, and up to 40-50 days on fruit trees, which is 5-8 times longer than other acaricides, significantly reducing the frequency of applications.

Product Details of Etoxazole

Product nameEtoxazole
Tech grade97%TC
Molecular formulaC21h23f2no2
CAS No.153233-91-1
Shelf life2 Years


During the early stages of mite damage, dilute 20% etofenprox suspension in water at a ratio of 3000-4000 times for even spraying. This will effectively control the entire juvenile stage of mites (eggs, larvae, and nymphs), with a residual effect lasting 40-50 days.

This summarizes the action and efficacy of etofenprox. Etoxazole is a unique acaricide that belongs to the non-systemic category. It has contact and stomach toxicity effects, along with strong penetration capabilities. It is effective against various mites, including leaf mites and spider mites, on crops such as citrus, cotton, fruit trees, and flowers.