Herbicide Crop Protection Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 10.8%EW 12%EC

Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl belongs to the class of heterocyclic epoxy phenoxy propionic acids and primarily exerts its effects by inhibiting acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a key enzyme in fatty acid synthesis, thereby suppressing fatty acid production. The agent is absorbed by the stems and leaves and is translocated to the growing points of the meristematic tissue and roots. Its action is rapid; growth stops 2-3 days after application, and within 5-6 days, the new leaves turn yellow and purple, the meristematic tissue becomes brown, and the leaves gradually die. It is a selective foliar treatment agent.

Product Details of Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl

Product nameFenoxaprop-P-Ethyl
Tech grade95%TC
Molecular formulaC18h16clno5
CAS No.71283-80-2
Shelf life2 Years


1.Wheat Fields: For controlling grass weeds, apply 450-600 ml of 10% emulsion per hectare during the 3-leaf stage to before jointing of spring wheat, mixed with 300 L of water for foliar treatment.

2.Soybean Fields: Apply 52-69 grams per hectare (active ingredient) during the 2-3 trifoliate leaf stage of soybeans, mixed with 300-450 L of water for foliar treatment.

3.Peant Fields: Apply 46.6-62 grams per hectare (active ingredient) when peanuts are at the 2-3 leaf stage and weeds are at the 3-5 leaf stage, mixed with 300 L of water for foliar treatment.

4.Rapeseed Fields: For oilseed rape at the 3-6 leaf stage and weeds at the 3-leaf stage, apply 41.4-51.75 grams per hectare (winter rapeseed) or 51.75-62.1 grams per hectare (spring rapeseed), mixed with 300 L of water for spraying.