Hexaconazole 95%TC 300SC 100EC 5%ME 50%WP

Hexaconazole effectively controls diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and deuteromycetes. It prevents and treats powdery mildew, rust, black spot, brown spot, anthracnose, sheath blight, and rice blast. It is ineffective against oomycetes and bacteria. Apply at recommended doses on suitable crops. It is environmentally friendly and safe for crops. Hexaconazole has good permeability and systemic activity. For example, apply in a banded pattern on apple leaves. The agent penetrates leaf thickness, redistributing and protecting untreated areas. It also provides effective protection at the base.

Features of Hexaconazole

Broad Spectrum and High Activity

Hexaconazole, a triazole demethylation inhibitor, disrupts and prevents the biosynthesis of ergosterol in pathogens. This leads to the inability of pathogen cell membranes to form, ultimately causing pathogen death. It effectively controls diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and deuteromycetes, providing good prevention and treatment for powdery mildew, rust, black spot, brown spot, anthracnose, sheath blight, and rice blast.

Increase Yield and Income Efficiently

Under normal conditions, the terminal spikelets of rice flowers open and fertilize first. After fertilization, growth hormones like gibberellins quickly promote the transport of organic nutrients to the seeds during embryo formation. Consequently, the grains formed from the first fertilized flowers have an advantage in nutrient competition, leading to sufficient grain filling. In contrast, the later opening spikelets are at a disadvantage in nutrient competition, often resulting in poorly filled or empty grains.

Product Details of Hexaconazole

Product nameHexaconazole
Tech grade97%TC
Molecular formulaC14H17Cl2N3O
CAS No.79983-71-4
EINECS No.413-050-7
Shelf life2 Years