Features of Tembotrione
1. Broad Spectrum of Weed Control: Compared to similar products like mesotrione, this herbicide has a wider range of weed control, higher activity, and greater resistance to rain washout, requiring a lower application rate to achieve the same level of effectiveness. It is effective against annual species of Setaria and Chenopodium, as well as various other weeds such as Cirsium, Convolvulus, Euphorbia, Capsella, Amaranthus, Chrysanthemum and Sorghum. It can also kill weeds that have developed resistance to glyphosate, dicamba, and ALS-inhibiting herbicides.
2. Flexible Application Timing: The application window is long, and it can be used during the 3 to 9 leaf stages of corn.
3. High Safety: First, it is safe for corn; it is currently the only corn herbicide that can be reapplied. Second, it is safe for subsequent crops and does not cause phytotoxicity.
4. Excellent Efficacy: It demonstrates outstanding effectiveness against resistant and troublesome weeds, such as resistant barnyard grass, redroot pigweed, redroot foxtail, and tiger tail grass.
Tembotrione can be used not only for conventional corn but also for various types of corn, including Donghai series corn, sweet corn, and silage corn. It is effective for controlling mid to late-stage weeds in corn fields and can achieve the desired control results. This product can also be applied in non-field crop areas, such as sunflowers. It is recommended to conduct trials before using it on new corn varieties.
Tembotrione is primarily used to control annual grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds, and sedge weeds in corn fields. It can effectively eliminate barnyard grass, barnyard grass, foxtail, as well as various broadleaf weeds such as amaranth, lamb’s quarters, mustard, morning glory, nettle, purslane, smartweed, nightshade, field bindweed, dandelion, duckweed, cocklebur, and ligusticum.